Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Our Journey to Becoming Parents...(Part 3)

I got in touch with the “teacher” of the charting method. They basically say you need to learn the charting and chart for 6 months before you follow-up with the doctor. I told her out background and she thought maybe being I had been charting in some way over the last 2 years that maybe I’d be able to get in sooner. She suggested we come to an introduction meeting with her to learn what it’s all about. So we did…right away! The middle of October of last year (2012) we started our journey with the teachings of the PPVI Institute. After the intro meeting we talked a little more about our journey. Amanda (the “teacher”) was floored that we had NEVER had any blood work done to check my hormone levels. What?! They do that?! The doctor I had been seeing NEVER mentioned it at all!! She told us that we probably could by pass the 6 month “wait” and make an appointment with the doctor who practices this method – Paul – who happens to be her husband!! So I did. We made the appointment for later in November. That way he could have a full cycle of charting to look at. The first appointment with him I went alone. Oh. My. Gosh!!! The absolute nicest staff EVER!! I’ll never forget what the nurse said when she brought me back. Nurse Lindsay told me that I am going to love working with the doctor and his wife and that in time, we will all be like a big family. She gave me her card and told me that if I ever have questions not to hesitate to call her. I’ve NEVER been told that!! Gosh she was nice!! And then the doctor came in! Exact. Same. Thing!! Extremely understanding and he just made you feel at ease…and hopeful!! He looked at my chart and ordered some blood work. We were really close to the right time of my cycle for him to check my estrogen levels and see if they were where they should be – they need to be in a certain range so that your ovary does what it’s supposed to do and prepare and release an egg. So I had that done and we had another appoint set for later that cycle. This time, I brought Barney with – I told him he just had to meet these people – it’s like they are a different breed – but oh, such and awesome breed they were!! How everything went down during that appointment is kind of foggy to me, but I know I ended up doing more blood work and then we eventually came up with a plan. The numbers showed that my estrogen levels before I “ovulate” weren’t the best and that I probably wasn’t making a viable egg. He put me on – get this – Amoxicillin, Robitussin and Clomid. Amoxicillin and Robitussin?!?! What?! Turns out that they help your body make mucus – and you need mucus to help things flow where they need to flow!! And as stated earlier, the clomid helps you ovulate. I had to take the clomid on days 5-9 of my cycle. Then on days 12 thru 3 days past my ovulation date I had to take the amoxicillin and robitussin. Both Barney and I had a bit of a cold/infection at that time, so he actually told us both to take amoxicillin right away. So that was about the 2nd week of December when we started that program. The doctor had made a small mistake when he ordered my blood work and never got the post ovulation tests taken before – the progesterone tests. So he had that ordered for this cycle and we basically planned to try this route for December and January. And then in February we were going to “not try” and do some other tests. SIDE NOTE: we never try in February – it makes November babies and that would just get in the way of deer hunting – so that is always our OFF month  Anyway. We had a plan…and I was confident and Barney was confident and the doc was confident…and we had rejuvenated our hope!! We made it through the holidays and then beginning of January Barney left again for 2 weeks of training. The timing was perfect!! He shortly after I ovulated and would be back right before I ovulated in the next cycle! Sadly, I got super emotional again when he left – and it was only for 2 weeks this time! I was upset that he was gone, that it was cold and then his other sister was going to find out what she was having the day after he left. So far, there have been only boys on my side of the family and Barney’s other sister already had one boy and was going to be having another. I was sure that Alicia was going to be having a girl…and I was sooo upset about it. I wanted to have the first girl in the worst way ever!! I never wanted girls – I had always wanted 5 boys…until one day, Barney made a statement – “No, you need a girl – who are you gonna share all your pretties with?” Point. Made. He was right I needed a girl…in fact – I think I wanted like 5 girls!! Anyway, so yes, I was nervous his little sister was going to be having a girl. And I was soo emotional!! Then it started to dawn on me. I was super emotional; I had noticed very slight spotting here and there the last couple days. I had a phone meeting with Amanda to discuss for charting. I told her how I felt and where I was at in my cycle. I was nearing then end. I was soo fishing for her to tell me she thought I was pregnant. But she didn’t. The next day, I nearly cried when brother Jo told me he wasn’t going to be coming to spend the weekend with me. The following day (Friday) I had already taken that day off from work. Barney called me that morning. He didn’t know that I had taken the day off. But as soon as I heard his voice that morning…all I could do was cry. He was confused at my feelings. But we got thru the conversation. Oh – back track – Barney’s sister found out she was having a boy – relief!! I don’t remember what I did that day, but I remember the next day – first thing I did was check my temp that morning (temping is a different method of charting that I had kinda have done in the past – higher temps at the end of your cycle mean your new cycle isn’t going to start yet – if the temp is lower – more than likely THAT DAY the new cycle will start). My temp was higher than normal. Next thing I did – totally out of the blue – was take a pregnancy test. Like all other ones I have taken in the past – I was certain it was negative.
Part 4 - The Final Chapter...up to this point anyway...is on it's way! Stay Tuned!!

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