Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Our Journey to Becoming Parents…(Part 1)

Before we were married, we learned the Billings Ovulation method of charting to achieve or avoid pregnancy. We had kinda discussed having children – we knew we wanted them it was just a matter of when. Barney had kinda wanted to wait about a year before we started trying. I, more or less, would start as soon as he said ok…if not sooner!! The main thing was – we knew we wanted them and we knew we wanted a lot of them! It worked out, that I was ovulating about the time of our wedding and honey moon. During our first dance, we discussed what we were going to do – wait it out until after the honeymoon, or just go with it and what will be will be. We decided on the later. 2 days into our honeymoon, we were sitting in one of the parks at Disney World waiting for a laser show to start. We weren’t really talking much, just kinda soaking it all in. I don’t remember who brought it up, but one of us asked the other what we were thinking about – turns out…we were both thinking about Baby Disney and that we actually wanted it to happen right away. I know for a fact, I really really wanted Baby Disney to happen. Turns out – that wouldn’t happen - nor would it the next month, or the next month or yet, then next month. Then came Christmas and oh, how I dreamed of being able to tell people at Christmas!! What happened was worse, at least at the time, that’s what I felt like. My sister-in-law announced at Christmas that she was expecting the first grandchild the following July. And as we were happy for her and her husband, I couldn’t help but feel oh so jealous and envious…and just plan sad. I fought to hold back tears and try and make the rest of the holiday fun. Time when on and I didn’t feel as much jealousy, but I still wanted to be able to announce our own pregnancy in the worst way!! January thru April passed by with absolutely no luck. In April, my sister-in-law went into early labor and was hospitalized. She was in the hospital for quit a while on bed rest – just as they were getting ready to discharge to go home on bed rest she went into labor and there was no stopping her. Baby Aidan was born premature on May 8th that year. He had a long road ahead of him – they all did. But yet again, I found myself filling with more jealousy. May 8th would have been roughly the due date for Baby Disney and all the emotions came flooding back. Later that month, I talked to my doctor again. I remember sitting in her office and crying and crying…she knew I hurt and that I wanted it so bad -and so started our very first “assistance” on this journey. She prescribed me Metformin – it’s typically a diabetic drug, but studies proved that it helps people regulate their cycles and increases the chances of becoming pregnant. I was on that the rest of the summer. Before we left on our first anniversary trip, we had appointment with the OBGYN in Little Falls to see if he had more ideas for us. It had been a whole year and no results. In all the research I found, they all suggested waiting a year before seeing someone for more answers…so that what we did. The OBGYN had told us that Metformin does nothing to help women get pregnant and he advised that I quit taking it as it is of no use to me. He didn’t want to look at my chart. He wanted to know if I had regular cycles – which I did. He scheduled a hysterosalpingogram for me and advised that Barney also got his numbers checked. A couple weeks later I went in for that hysterosalpingogram. It’s a test where they put you under live x-ray and inject a die into your uterus and fallopian tubes to make sure you are anatomically correct and that your tubes are open stuff flows thru them correctly. And let me tell you…this is PAINFUL!!! It’s like having the worst cramps of your life and then magnify that by a billion!! Results from the test showed that I was fairly normal – I didn’t have a left ovary or fallopian tube, but the doc COULD have figured that out by reading my chart…not pushing the dye extra hard to see if I did or not. But the uterus and the right tube looked good and things worked right. They claim that after having that procedure done, the odds of getting pregnant in the 3 months after that increase…just because it help clear up and little stuff…that’s what they say and that’s what we were hoping for.
Stay tuned for Part 2

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